Thursday, January 17, 2013

What Day, What Week?

Another week of the new year sliding away, fading to fossilization; forgotten but not lost. I had a lot of ideas about how things might go, and a certain amount of respect for what I didn't know. But I do have a schedule for how things are supposed to go, if things go the way they’re…you know…supposed to. And it’s centered around my goal to become as close to a writer as possible while still paying the bills.
So, I have tasks each day; blogging here twice a week is one, blogging my book three times a week is another. That actually requires three tasks, though: edit the manuscript generally; cut out a chapter and edit it for the blog; then actually post the chapter parts. Those three tasks have finally been divided up separately based on the days I work at the bike shop.
Then I also have hubpages – it’s a website where a freelancer like me can write articles about informative things that interest me, and make money off of ads. That’s running a little bit behind, as you’ll notice the absence of a link: I have a slew of article ideas, but writing them is taking a little longer than I’d hoped. I have one done. Well, most of one. And they suggest pictures, which I’ll need to get.
I’m also trying to read every day. That’s failing pretty epically. Because I’m also part-time on my wife’s Etsy store. And this is her busy season. And she’s coming out with new product and dealing with all the picture-taking-and-editing, marketing, designing, creating, and advertising that goes along with that. So I've been promoted from Helper to Crafter, Packager, and Seller, or CPS.
And really, after a day full of all that, who wants to read?
I think it’s a good thing to have one or two goals that you fail, just to keep you grounded. Maybe I’ll come up with something else I’d like to do, just so I can not do it and stay humble. We’ll see.
And that’s a week in the life of me. Large coffee cups: definitely a good thing.

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