Monday, September 5, 2011

Writing And: Coffee

We might hit a bit of a theme, this week; unintentionally, mostly, but if it continues to work out that way – a new week, a new theme across three blogs – that would be awesome.  So this week, I want to talk about writing, and some things that are not inherent in it, but that seem to recur.
Today, it’s coffee! Perhaps this hits me as I sip a caramel latte in the local coffee shop, enjoying some time between classes, but coffee and writing/books comes up very often. Many a novel, I would suspect, has been penned/typed within the walls of a local café – or even perhaps a chain; surely muses are not absent from Starbucks or B&N cafes across the country. In fact, the theme of my fiancee’s and my wedding is coffee and books; so perhaps there’s some bias there. But let us explore this a bit.
Again, I’m not saying coffee drinking is inherent in writing; friends across the Pond may sip offerings at a local tea shop, or their own Darjeeling at home. Hemingway sipped (to put it mildly) a different imbibition altogether. But the fact that Barnes and Noble thought fit to put coffee shops in their stores I think speaks to the legitimacy of my claim; and where better for a writer to be than surrounded by books? Hopefully a book is what the writer strives for.
So what does coffee do for the creative mini-me in my head? The swiftest answer is that it keeps one awake into the far reaches of night, where many authors seem to prowl. Perhaps; though I am very fond of my sleep, and believe me if you will, I do very, very little writing late at night anymore. Right now, in fact, it is 1:37 in the afternoon. Completely unnecessary, if coffee can ever be said to be “unnecessary.”
But perhaps there is still something about caffeine that awakens our little neurons to fire off excellent lines and ideas. Yet I don’t sit in a sports bar sucking down Monster energy, which is almost a sub-theme of my impending wedding, as both I and my bride-to-be are huge fans. Monster is a little too raw – almost like listening to heavy metal during a work-out. Great for upping the motivation; a little heavy-handed (for me) for just getting started on a day.
I think it’s hit it, right there; coffee is soothing, allowing me to relax and slough off the worries and problems and concerns that otherwise frighten my muse into hiding. Yet it awakens me, awakens my mind to sit in one spot, sometimes very still except for the four or five fingers I use to type, and yet not drift off into lethargy.
Also, it gives me something to do, first when I stop writing for a moment, to fill in time; but also, after executing a particularly good line, to sit back and enjoy the gifts of the Spirit. Which you must not deny me.
So, rather than boring you every two days with identical figures, only the Friday post will contain the stats for that week. So, until Wednesday, keep on writing (and sipping coffee)!

P.S. For excellent coffee and book themed decorations, check out, or go to

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