Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Nature of Rejection and Other Things

So, what’s on tap for today? I’m glad you asked; this is going to be another random-ish post that probably ends up being more of a glimpse into my life than anything concrete about the craft of writing. What can I say, I like to mix it up.

A curious thing happens when five people review your work, I discovered yesterday: it’s either the greatest thing ever, or it’s complete crap. If I would take the negative comments from everyone, I could compile a review that would go something like: “This is a great story, one of the best we’ve read in this class. Except for the main character, the setting, a little bit of the plot, and the theme – strengthen those.”

Another interesting and related note: when one agent rejected my work, she said that – basically – there’s a ton of books out there with the synopsis I laid out, and the only way it can work is if it is rivetingly told. Keep in mind, she had not read anything of my book. Now, I don’t know about any other writers, but when I write fiction it can be very good; rarely do I write non-fiction without sounding like a dry, dusty old philosopher “well technically, when one truly considers the final analysis, one cannot help but be persuaded….” *snoooooorrrrrrrrre*

So here’s the point, if one can be found: reading is subjective. Profound, huh? I find it nice to remind myself ad nauseam of truths, and this is a good one to be nauseated with. Collectively, my story for class was lackluster/sucked; individually, everyone loved it. Provided you can actually write (oh, let’s not go down that path today, please?) some agent somewhere is going to like what you’ve written. The trick is to find that one, and find them at an agreeable moment when they’re actually open to a story like yours, and writing like yours. Sound difficult? Here’s something more difficult: find an agent/author who doesn’t say breaking into the publishing world is difficult. Go ahead; I’ll wait.

See? Couldn’t do it. I’m not just another pretty face, after all.

I did find time earlier today to scribble the beginnings of a plot outline on a little notepad I keep now after the recommendation (speaking of ad nauseam) of my professor that writers should keep little notepads to write inspirations down on. I definitely like what’s evolving apart from the first chapter I hastily wrote (and subsequently rewrote, and subsequently threw out entirely because it was stupid) long ago because I was so eager to get started writing this thing. Hopefully I’ll have something more developed and concrete when I come back Friday, and you can look forward to reading about that.

So yeah. See you then.


1 comment:

  1. Just keep writing, Daniel. And always avoid transitions like "In the meantime,..." :)
