Monday, October 17, 2011

That Novel

Yesterday was not my best day ever; such things have happened before, certainly, and I’m not saying I’ve received more than my fair share of rejections – I have received far less than my share. It’s still difficult when more than one come on the same day.
The first, from an agent I had on the hook for some time, informed me she does not typically reject authors; however, she would not be interested in seeing this project, however I may re-work it. You know, the project I’ve been slogging away at revising for the past few weeks? The one I started officially ten years ago? That one.
But I’m thinking something here; the wheels have shaken free their dust and are beginning to turn (I don’t know about you, but my wheels get dusty pretty rapidly). I’m considering finishing this major rewrite that I’m doing, making the protagonist not an orphan anymore; maybe doing a run-through and tightening up some scenes (for which I have a few ideas already); but trying to finish within a week or two. Then: burn it.
Not literally, that would be extreme. But print out a copy for posterity, lock it away in a chest somewhere (confession: I have one in my room. I got it probably nine years ago; and it is awesome. It’s pictured above, if you were wondering.); and then, get to work on the next book. Let this novel be that novel; the one I wrote to discover my love for writing and fantasy, to work out a ton of details for the world I seek to create, and the stories I seek to tell.
If you come to this blog to try to follow a writer seeking a publisher, you might be getting a little exasperated right now. Well, first, imagine where I’m at: my baby, who I’ve raised for ten years, is leaving the house and I won’t hear from him for possibly a long time; second, think of this as an opportunity to watch the book-writing process from start to finish. I have a bunch of ideas for book two (or whatever I’m going to call it now), but still a lot of the process is left to be done. (Obviously I won’t be giving details of the plot itself, just processes I undertake to write it entire.)
So, I may be lax in the blogs for a little bit here, until book one is safely tucked away. Ideally, I’ll still blog; just below ideal will be taking off from blogging for the week. I promise I won’t let you hang for more than a week. And we’ll see how things go.
See you Wednesday?


  1. Rejection is likely the single most common word in the book publishing industry. But you keep slogging away at it, because that’s part of being a writer.

  2. Thanks, Glynn. To amend this post, I would say I'm just going to put the book away now. Honestly I'm not liking the revised version, and it's probable that the plot was just too developed too early in my writing life to fix by simple revision. Moving on to the next story; thanks for following along!
